Reflections related to transduality, duality and an integral view.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Big Mind & Death
In the Buddhist tradition, Big Mind (Existence, Spirit, God, etc) is beyond and embraces all polarities: existence/non-existence, matter/mind, duality/unity, and notions of good/evil etc.
It is one mind that is expressed in all phenomena, including in all beings with consciousness.
That means that there is no separate entity, no "I", that will be reincarnated. At the most, it is this stream of habits expressed in my life that will continue, expressed in another life/body.
What we see expressed in any person or phenomena is an expression of and aspect of the one mind. It is never "lost". There is no separation in time or space. Although it may certainly appear so to us.
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Breema : beyond dualitites
I have found Breema to be a wonderful way to deepen my connection to my body, and to explore the dance between the absolute (beyond dualities) and relative (dualitites/differentiation).
Here are some of its effects for me. Each come up now and then. Each is a direct experience. And each continually deepens...
 - Deepening connection with the body.
Through bringing the mind (attention) to the body, feelings join.
- Present
When the mind/body/feelings are joined, I am present. There is no room for being lost in thought of past/future, or being caught up in reactive emotions (sympathies and antipathies).
- No separation
There is no separation among body/mind/feelings. There is also no separation between me and the other body. And no separation between me and the rest of the world. I experience it as a seamless whole.
- Softening
Rigid patterns and habits on many levels (mental/emotional/physical/behavior) decrystallize. There is a softening that allows me perspective and conscious choice.
- Self-healing
It opens up for the natural self-healing processes to take place, again on many levels (mental/emotional/physical/interpersonal). When I get out of my own way (let go of attachments to habits that produce/reflect imbalance), remarkable healing can take place. - Mutual support
Giver and receiver both benefits. When I give, I benefit as much as (if not more) than when I receive. It goes beyond egotism (doing it for myself) and altruism (doing it for another).
- Beyond doing/not doing
It goes beyond doing and not doing. There is a sense of "nothing happens" (no effort, no willful action, no sense of separation). Yet, something does happen (bodies move, there are experiences).
- Beyond simple/complex
It goes beyond simplicity/complexity. It is simple. It is what is when there is no extra. When I get out of my own way. It is also immensely complex. An eternal and continuously deepening exploration.
- Nine principles
The nine principles are there effortlessly. And my experience with/understanding of them continues to deepen. It becomes simples, richer, and more encompassing.
- Beyond dualities
It goes beyond dualities: body/mind, self/other, self/world, egotism/altruism, doing/not doing, simple/complex, gentle/firm
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